Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Communications efficiency on the hospital floor

Nurses and other HCPs spend too much time waiting for access to specialists – and so do patients
Are your nurses spending too much time waiting for responses?
Evan Bossonis
Business Development Leader – Unified Communications

 “…the majority of nurses felt that they would save 30–60 minutes per workday - time they could spend caring for patients directly - if they had instant access to experts. Eighty - four percent felt that the time they spent trying to reach people had a direct impact on patient care because of delays and time spent away from patients, while 65 percent estimated that they spent upward of 20 minutes each day trying to contact people, with many spending well over an hour.” This finding is from a study done by Forrester Research and commissioned by Cisco Systems.
Do you find this to be the case on your hospital floor, or in your practice? How much additional revenue could be captured if you could improve productivity by one hour per nurse per shift over a years time? What could be the impact on patient satisfaction?